8 Ways to Combat Asthma

Asthma is a common disorder that afflicts both children and adults. It is often mysterious and frustrating to treat. If you have asthma – or allergies – try these recommendations:

  1. Decrease protein to 10 percent of daily caloric intake. Replace animal protein as much as possible with plant protein.
  2. Eliminate milk and milk products, substituting other calcium sources.
  3. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
  4. Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils that might contain trans-fatty acids, and all fried foods (such as deep-fried foods). Use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat.
  5. Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Always drink plenty of water to keep your respiratory tract secretions more fluid.
  7. Experiment with eliminating (one at a time) wheat, corn, soy and sugar for six to eight weeks to see if the condition improves.
  8. Eat ginger and turmeric regularly for their anti-inflammatory effects

Ahman, yang dikenal dengan nama Ahmandonk, adalah seorang penggemar teknologi, pecinta perjalanan, dan kuliner dari Indonesia. Sejak muda, Ahman sudah tertarik dengan dunia komputer dan teknologi, yang ia bagikan melalui blog Ahmandonk.com dan saluran YouTube AhmandonkVLOG. Di blognya, Ahman sering membahas review teknologi, unboxing gadget, dan pengalaman dengan perangkat komputer, sementara di YouTube, ia berbagi vlog tentang petualangan kuliner, penerbangan, dan perjalanan. Melalui konten yang autentik dan menghibur, Ahman berusaha menginspirasi dan memberi informasi kepada audiensnya, sekaligus menunjukkan kecintaannya pada teknologi, eksplorasi, dan berbagi pengalaman.

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