By Rick Ansorge, Eric Metcalf and the Editors of Prevention Health Books 1. Apples A British study of 2,512 middle-aged men showed that those who ate five apples a week had significantly higher lung function than those who ate no apples....
By Rick Ansorge, Eric Metcalf and the Editors of Prevention Health Books Just as some things in your diet can help to alleviate your allergy or asthma symptoms, others might be linked to worsened symptoms. Try to decrease your consumption of...
October 8, 2004 02:39:22 AM PDT, Your baby’s screaming is driving you nuts! Is this normal fussiness? Or could it be a sign of something else? Almost all infants experience irritability and sleeplessness at times. But if your bottle-fed baby...
by Patricia Greenberg, B.A., Nutrition Question: Is soymilk better for you than regular milk? Answer: That is an excellent question. Like milk, soy is a great source of protein and can easily be found with added calcium. But drinking soymilk has...
by Jonny Bowden, M.A., C.N. Like so much that is controversial in the nutrition community, the case of soy says a lot about marketing, economics and the American propensity for getting our information in soundbites. Do the words ‘controversy’ and ‘soy’...
Asthma is a common disorder that afflicts both children and adults. It is often mysterious and frustrating to treat. If you have asthma – or allergies – try these recommendations: Decrease protein to 10 percent of daily caloric intake. Replace animal...
Asthma merupakan gangguang yang sering menimpa baik anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. Ia seringkali merupakan penyakit misterius dan pengobatannya membuat frustasi. Jika Anda menderita Asthma – atau alergi – cobalah rekomendasi berikut ini: Kurangi konsumsi protein hewan hinga hanya 10% dari total...
New research from Australia suggests that taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy may prevent allergies from developing in babies – even those at high risk due to family history. The study, published in the December 2003 issue of the Journal of...
Question: I’ve been coughing constantly after a terrible cold, and a friend told me that I should eat chocolate for the cough. She said she read that it really helps. True? Answer: Your friend probably is referring to a study from...
Mungkin tidak terpikir oleh kita ketika kita menambah secangkir kopi lagi, atau minum coca cola segelas lagi, tapi nyatanya caffeine adalah obat addictive (penyebab kecanduan) yang dikonsumsi setiap hari oleh 4 dari 5 orang Amerika. Masalah yang melekat pada konsumsi caffeine...