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TwiXtreme! – The Sweetest Twitter™ Client for BlackBerry™

twixtremeHari ini saya membaca salah satu post di milis id-bb mengenai twitter client, rupa nya ada twitter client baru di blackberry yang mengutamakan penampilan… keren sich tampilannya… saya uda download dan pakai hari ini 🙂 berikut informasi dari website nya.

Tired of boring Twitter™ clients for the BlackBerry™? Upload pictures, keep up with the latest trends and tweet your heart out with the latest ad-free mobile application from Xtreme Labs. It’s the first BlackBerry Twitter client that doesn’t suck… and it’s free! Not a member of Twitter? No worries, our app works even if you don’t have a twitter account =) Visit this website on your BlackBerry to download TwiXtreme!

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