The more you fight with your mate and the nastier you are to each other, the more vulnerable you are to heart disease, suggests a new study. Researchers at the University of Utah recruited 150 married couples and asked them to...
Fruits provide us with the best source of vitamins, phytochemicals, and fiber – all important components of a healthy diet. Although fruits contain natural sugars, diabetics should not forego their benefits, but should choose fruits wisely, based on the glycemic index...
Preliminary evidence shows that the common spice cinnamon may help reduce blood sugar – a benefit for those with diabetes. A study published in the December 2003 issue of Diabetes Care reported on people with type II diabetes who were given...
For people battling high cholesterol, choosing meals wisely can be a challenge. Restaurants, holiday meals, even an office potluck may present unhealthy temptations. However, making dietary modifications that cut out the bad stuff while still allowing you to enjoy your meals...
According to the American Stroke Association, someone in America has a stroke every 45 seconds. Approximately 700,000 Americans will have a stroke this year. Stroke is the third highest cause of death in the U.S., and a leading cause of severe,...
Fortunately, not all children who are heavy grow up to be overweight adults. However, studies indicate that an obese child has a greater chance of being an obese adult than children who are at a healthier weight. In fact, for every...
Eating certain vegetables together may offer more protection against cancer than eating them separately or getting the nutrients they contain from supplements. A recent animal study suggests that a combination of broccoli and tomatoes – both known for their cancer-preventive properties...
Hari ini saya membaca salah satu post di milis id-bb mengenai twitter client, rupa nya ada twitter client baru di blackberry yang mengutamakan penampilan… keren sich tampilannya… saya uda download dan pakai hari ini 🙂 berikut informasi dari website nya. Tired...