Granny was right when she advised that it’s better to watch out for the strong and silent ones, they often are the ones that are the most dangerous. Voodoo DNA infused HP computer called the HP Firebird PC 803, proves that old saying in the field of gaming computers. The machine features an NVIDIA nForce 760i SLI chipset, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9950 CPU, 4GB of RAM, SLI NVIDIA 9800S video cards, Blu-ray, dual 320GB SATA drives, Bluetooth, WI-Fi and more.
All of this with a profile not so different from the tiny EE Box, it may be much larger in dimensions but the performance doesn’t make it any less than a hardcore gaming machine. The Firebird has 2.5-inch notebook class 250GB hard drives, saving space in the design-forward chassis. The device could start at $1,800 a pop.