Two studies have suggested a possible link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in children, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Many scientists have questioned the design and results of these studies, however. Using information from a...
Prepared by Barbara Sweeney for Dreamlife Sudden Infant Death Syndrome — known as “SIDS” — is the leading cause of death in infants in the United States. Many more children die of SIDS than any other problem, including AIDS, cancer, pneumonia,...
Zinc supplements may enhance treatment of children being treated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to one small study. Forty-four children took part in the study, which was conducted by researchers in Iran. All were treated with methylphenidate (the active...
Rubrik BERANDA, Media Indonesia, Minggu, 7 Mei 2006 Tidak ada orangtua yang tidak mau anaknya berprestasi. Karena prestasi itu menjadi sebuah kebanggaan. Sayangnya, tidak semua anak memiliki kemampuan dan kekuatan yang sama. Terlebih bila kita memiliki anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus yang...
Pediatrics, June 2001 As a parent, you probably know that soft drinks and soda aren’t great beverage choices for children because they are high in calories, low in nutrients, and may contribute to obesity and tooth decay. But you may be...
Fortunately, not all children who are heavy grow up to be overweight adults. However, studies indicate that an obese child has a greater chance of being an obese adult than children who are at a healthier weight. In fact, for every...
Untuk bayi yang sering digendong, sering timbul istilah“bau tangan”. Para ibu muda yang baru memiliki bayi sering dinasihati jangan terlalu sering digendong, nanti membuatnya manja. Sebenarnya, keinginan bayi untuk digendong merupakan hal yang alami. Selama sembilan bulan dalam kandungan ibunya, seorang...