Happy Lunar New Year 2560

Happy Lunar New Year 2560The New Year festival holds a significant place in China. Like most of the other Chinese festivals, the date of this festival is determined by the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year is one day when the celebration of the New Year brings joy and prosperity for all. Share the happy moments of this festive occasion as we bring together a complete range of Chinese New Year customs and traditions just for you. Chinese New Year is one of the most popular festival in China and is also known as the spring festival or the Lunar New Year. This year Chinese New Year is on January 26th, 2009.

To all those who celebrate The Chinese New Year… We Wish you a prosperous years ahead, a new year, a new life, a better year, a better life, in everything you do. Let’s start the new year with less hatred, less cursing and less ignorance.Forgive and forget the past and look bright a head. For the immature grow up for the mature grow wise. For the sick, be healthier, for the healthy keep healthy, for the less fortunate let’s share some part of our fortune. Once again we wished you all a very very very prosperous years ahead. Happy Lunar New Year 2560!!!

Ahman, yang dikenal dengan nama Ahmandonk, adalah seorang penggemar teknologi, pecinta perjalanan, dan kuliner dari Indonesia. Sejak muda, Ahman sudah tertarik dengan dunia komputer dan teknologi, yang ia bagikan melalui blog Ahmandonk.com dan saluran YouTube AhmandonkVLOG. Di blognya, Ahman sering membahas review teknologi, unboxing gadget, dan pengalaman dengan perangkat komputer, sementara di YouTube, ia berbagi vlog tentang petualangan kuliner, penerbangan, dan perjalanan. Melalui konten yang autentik dan menghibur, Ahman berusaha menginspirasi dan memberi informasi kepada audiensnya, sekaligus menunjukkan kecintaannya pada teknologi, eksplorasi, dan berbagi pengalaman.

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