SMTP Smart Telecom Indonesia

Dari awal saya menggunakan koneksi Smart JUMP, ada muncul pertanyaan yaitu “Apa ya SMTP koneksi SMART ini??” setelah browsing di internet, ada banyak yang sudah saya coba tetapi tidak berhasil. baru 1 tahun terakhir ini saya menemukan SMTP Smart yang cukup stabil, yaitu SMTP: dengan Port : 25 Silahkan mencoba.

Ahman, yang dikenal dengan nama Ahmandonk, adalah seorang penggemar teknologi, pecinta perjalanan, dan kuliner dari Indonesia. Sejak muda, Ahman sudah tertarik dengan dunia komputer dan teknologi, yang ia bagikan melalui blog dan saluran YouTube AhmandonkVLOG. Di blognya, Ahman sering membahas review teknologi, unboxing gadget, dan pengalaman dengan perangkat komputer, sementara di YouTube, ia berbagi vlog tentang petualangan kuliner, penerbangan, dan perjalanan. Melalui konten yang autentik dan menghibur, Ahman berusaha menginspirasi dan memberi informasi kepada audiensnya, sekaligus menunjukkan kecintaannya pada teknologi, eksplorasi, dan berbagi pengalaman.

1 Comment

  1. Overall I have to give Smart Telcom (Indonesia) a very negative rating. The network performance isn't too bad comparing to Flash or IM2 but certainly nothing like they advertise. Reliability is also not great with dropped connections. I should also mention that they engage in heavy filtering of anything bigger than 20mb, if you want this service for getting any torrents forget it. But the real reason I want to give negative numbers is because of their abysmal customer care. The last three months in a row, they always played some kind of trick to cheat me out of some portion of my prepaid internet service. Maybe they are not trying to cheap but then their incompetence seems all the more awful. They have an unbelievably arcane system for refilling the prepaid credit. first you have to make the payment, then you have to separately go to the login widget and re-register by calling a number (re-register every month). But of course they don’t explain any of this on their website or anywhere else that I can find. You just have to lose your paid fee and call them and then they tell you. The call always sounds like a busy number but they say this is normal. But then sometimes the registration doesn't go through, but there is no notification of this. It's a busy number if it works and a busy number if it doesn't work. They say you must receive an sms confirming the registration and just keep trying until it goes through, but I have been trying multiple times on different days and times but still no success. But even then, when their customer service in DP Mall in Semarang is shown the evidence of attempted registrations from the widget call log, plus evidence of payment, the response is sorry , it didn't go through so you lose your payment. Trying to check the status of the account through their login widget also is hopeless. I have tried various times to check the credit and account status by sending an sms or calling but never a response since March until May. And to top all this off, I paid for Platinum unlimited plan (3.1gb/sec) but after the first month of service, they lowered the connection speed to 113kb/sec as indicated by the login widget. They say, that is just a mistake of the widget and it's really going 3.1gb. But internet speedometers prove the slow speed. I have tried them all and have found that Internet services in Indonesia are in general not very customer friendly, low performance and expensive but Smart Telcom is the worst by far in terms of providing a reliable level of service with value for money. they may be building a fast network in Bali but if they continually cut your connection and take your money, it still is a bad deal.

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